9/11 Bobby art exhibition
今のシャネルの ウィンドーが かわいいいいい!!!^^
On Sat night!!!!!
I went to my friend's Art exhibition in Soho.
Bill Board art show By Bobby
I met him @Brooklyn Flea first time
And I really loved his art and I bought it.
仲良くしてくれてたBobby san.
Williams berg ベッドフォード の 駅前でもよく絵を売ってる彼
9/11とゆう 意味のある日に
1日だけの 初めての 個展を 開くって聞いて
Bobby Hill is the New York-based visual artist who has been behind the scenes for years and is now emerging in the mainstream with his current body of work, dubbed Post Street Art. His professional career started as an illustrator when the art director of a popular hip hop magazine, found samples of Hill's work in the corner of the publisher's office moments before it was to be thrown in the garbage. His recent work combines a blend of pop imagery, aspects of street art/ graffiti and abstract expressionist elements that has the pulsating feel of NYC. He has sold countless pieces of work to various buyers including rapper Jay-Z.
今まで 以上に グレードアップした
たくさんのかわいい 作品が 飾られていて
ぜーーーんぶ つぼ!!!!
雰囲気 最高でした*
as a company living in Big city here in NY
I was so inspired by him and got a lot of good energy.
That day was 9/11
It's been already 9 years.
But No one can't forget the day ,shouldn't forget the day.
テロが あった日。
たくさんの 命が 意味もなく 失われた日。
たくさんの人が 悲しんだ日。
その時 実際にそこには いなかったし
どれくらい ひどいことやったのかわからないし
今では 遠い記憶の出来事になっていってるけど
実際に その日にたまたまとおった Ground zero で
この日は 追悼の
2本の 光が NYを 照らしていて
思わず立ち止まって 見上げた。