since then...
It's been crazy cold in NY!!!!!!!!
また 寒い冬が やってくる。。><
But I like this kanda nostalgic feeling tho.:)
I go there a looot at least 2 times a
We B5000 ART PROJECT had meeting with Don-D who's designer and also making beat.
He took us to hair salon at botanic garden
They had photoshoot
while we had time, we went out and get smth to eat!
on the way
Is this Banksy?!?mmm...not sure but cool!!!!!!!!
We also met chris and yoon who's toy designer!!!!!!!
近くにある おいしいってゆってた
Soulfood を5人で 食べる
めーっちゃ 気持ちよかった^^
went back to salon and hang with cat,,,w
There's stylist and make up artist who does a lot of show and shoot.
めっちゃ いいかんじでした!!!!
地下鉄に のったことがないって!!!
The other day
Miho asked me to go to H&M renewal opening party
presented by NYLON mag!!!!
Free drinkが おもてなしされ
空腹で 白ワインを呑みながら
買い物するって 最高!!!とゆーか 危険!!!w
いい気持ちになって 思わず色々試着。
でも ほんんと 可愛かった**
Halloween coming sooon!!!!!!!!